Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Truth Is...

Recently, I've had reason to question why we as the human race, allow someone elses opinion to become our truth.  Personally, I have pondered why I believe the things I do.  I mean, after all, what I've learned in life has been, apart from me opening the Bible, myself, and depending on Holy Spirit to teach me, is based the opinion's of someone else, or my own opinion formulated through my own life experience. 

For example, I learned how to fold a towel as a child based on how my mom taught me - her opinion was to fold the towel in half, fold it again, and then fold the long piece over twice.  It makes everything look pretty when it's in the cabinet. 

The truth is...all of our personal opinions are our truths!  Key word "our" doesn't mean it is "the" truth! Do we ever challenge those opinions?  I know I do!  I think we have to in order to become what we are meant to be.  So, with that said, this blog is about the opinion of others and how we let if affect our lives and hold us back and why!

Do you remember the movie "Pretty Woman" with Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.  It is one of my favorite movies that I never grow tired of watching.  There is a particular scene where Richard Gere's character "Edward" says to Julia Robert's character "Vivian" - "I think you are very bright"  and Vivian replies "The bad stuff is easier to believe."  That part hits me like a brick everytime I watch the movie.  Why?  Because that is one of those "opinions" that I've had to overcome.  I've come such a long way in many areas of my life - knowing "THE TRUTH" which is found in Jesus Christ.  However, there are still areas that someone else's opinion of me can wreak havoc in my heart!  I recently encountered this and have had to literally pull myself in a cocoon and "deal".... because if I don't, it could potentially cause a detour in my life.. and listen, I have absolutely no time for detours!!

So I've asked myself...does this person's "truth" about me matter?  NO it does not.  Why then would I ponder a detour?  FEAR!  Fear of what?  Rejection!!  Plain and simple!  The "R" word has raised its ugly head in my heart once again.  UGH!!!  Rejection is painful people!  We all tend to run from that because it causes such a brokenness!  We were never designed to be rejected and our hearts were never designed to be broken.  Unfortunately, in this world, there is brokenness.  This is an area, that I need to, and we all need to conquer - once and for all.  

You can ask anyone this question and get the same answer.  If 100 people tell you that you are great and 1 person says you're not so will remember that 1 person for the rest of your life.  You will remember what they said, what they did, what they wore when they said it, where you were, etc.  It's that whole "the bad stuff is easier to believe" crap!  Anyone who tells you that they don't care about someone elses opinion is straight up lying to you!  We do care about other's opinions!  However, caring about those opinions versus letting those opinions define you are two totally different animals here!  So, in the words of a dear friend of mine reminding me of what I already knew...God's opinion is what needs to override any and all opinions!  His truth is the final authority!  If we choose HIS Lordship in our lives then we must submit to HIS truth.  I'll go a step further....His opinion needs to OVERWRITE "our" truth! 

This is a process, but it can be done.  I've had to overwrite many of my own truths with His truth.  His truth brings a freedom so life defining and life changing!  You can guage your progress when that other person's opinion no longer brings an emotion to your heart!  That's when you know you've conquered it with a power greater than yourself!

We've got lives to live and destinies to fulfill!  We do not have time for detours!!!  Let's overcome and live the lives we were destined to live and NOT HOLD BACK!  God's on our side!  Our lives are meant to make a mark that cannot be erased.  It is not about us!  It is about something far greater than ourselves!  It is about God creating you, for just this time, to make an eternal impact for HIS KINGDOM!  Time cannot be wasted....let's get on with it!



Anonymous said...

This literally brought tears of joy!!! Thank you!!! Reminds me of the song "Holding nothing back" by Jesus culture.... that's what life is all about! Fulfilling the plan... Gods plan is all that matters!!

Lisa said...

Tammy, you are so awesome and I do so appreciate your great heart for God! Thanks for an inspiring reminder!

Dawn said...

Tammy, i am so amazed at how you can write such inspiring words. You are truly a gift of God. I am going to watch what you do next. You inspire me to try to look at things thru Gods eyes and not eveyone elses. His is the only tue opinion that matters. Thank you so much for being the person you are.

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