Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Ultimate Adventure

I think that everyone comes to a place in their lives when they are faced with the reality that not only are they going to die, but they are going to age, and the landscape of their life will change several times.  Our lives begin as an empty canvas, and in the beginning our parents are the artists who are shaping, fashioning, teaching, and molding our lives.  As we grow, and the shift takes place where we, ourselves, carry on as the artist, we are given the opportunity to choose as we desire.   Hopefully, we choose partnership with our Creator, as we begin creating our masterpiece.  Often times, that is not the case, however I still believe it is a valued part of the journey in the creating process.  As we begin to create the life we think we want, or think we desire, we find as we mature and grow, that the vision we have, is both subject to change and will change.  Many times we must do a revamp!  We finally figure out that what we choose, often changes with the varying season of our lives.  Even still, each intricate detail is an important part of our life masterpiece!     
One of my traditions is reflecting on my life every New Years Eve.  This past New Year's Eve I sat by a warm, crackling fire out in the country and just thought of this past year's journey.  I glanced over at the amazing man in my life, and thought to myself, this was my biggest life change over 2013.  I began thinking of how many changes I've been through over the past 2 years and thought to myself, "God has been teaching me so much about life in such a short time."  It's almost mind blowing.  I have so much more to learn, but I can say that I'm embracing the teaching process - even though at times its incredibly painful.  It's painful because it requires me to be open and vulnerable - something that is incredibly scary at times. 

As this exterior shell (our bodies) ages and changes, and we go through a series of metamorphic transformations, both inside and out, it is no question that the real substance of our being is our heart.  The cry of my heart, and really everyone's heart, is to simply be loved.  Loved for who we are deep down inside, apart from what we can offer someone.  I believe as we choose to make love our primary pursuit, over what we would like to "accomplish" in our lifetime, or the "legacy" we would like to leave, that "LOVE" becomes more evident to those around us.  When love becomes our purpose, it will draw truth, purity, and more love!  I believe as we age, and mature, the masks of our lives begin to disintegrate and we become our authentic selves.  Authenticity in and of itself involves deep transformation of ones self.  It involves us becoming so aware of not only who we are, but who we desire to be.   

Over the past few years I've come to realize that my journey of choosing to love, is also a quest that seriously ignites my heart!  I believe that love is the ultimate adventure.  It is the ultimate adventure because it requires us to live from our hearts.  I've also realized to a greater degree, that love has the power to create amazing things.  For example, love can unlock someone's dream and cause them to finally believe in themselves.  I know that happened for me in the area of music.  Love can also set someone free from living a life of condemnation.  Love overlooks the bad, seeks the good, and as a result empowers change!  If you want to see changes in your life or the lives of others?  Then in the words and teaching of Pastor Danny Silk, choose to "Keep Your Love On!"

People will let us down!  They will also hurt and betray us.  They will be self seeking and have their own agendas and love will be the furthest thing from their choices.  They will try to convince you it is love, but love is not self seeking, it does not think more highly of itself.  It is not arrogant and it is not rude.  It decreases so others can increase.  When you choose love, it will appear "most" of the time it as if you are last, and even at times forgotten.  That is painful!  Yet, in that pain you'll find that you are empowered because we still have the ability to choose love!  It's the most powerful force in the Universe, and it will literally bring about healing and change.  It is our choice!  It is the most powerful choice!  It is the most difficult choice!  However, it is the wisest choice!  We mirror our Father God when we choose love! 

Choosing Love & Empowering Others!


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