Saturday, October 19, 2013

Love's Simplicity

As I sit and write this morning, I'm snuggled up in my bed, I have a yummy cup of coffee sitting on my nightstand, CMT is on, and to make it even better, the best shadow in the entire world is curled up beside me - my dog Dakota!  It's the best!!
So this morning, as I spend time just taking in my life right now and really "feeling" the emotions of my heart, I can say I'm overwhelmed in the best way!  I put some things on the back burner recently to just take some time to really process the place I'm at in my life.  This year has been a year of huge changes for me.  I completed the mission of raising a daughter, who graduated from High School this past May.  While she is still at home for a few months (she's working on getting an apartment), the dynamic of our relationship has changed drastically.  We've moved from the "parenting" to "friendship" season.  It's actually pretty amazing.  Mikayla, I think, has had more struggle with this shift than I have.  I have actually enjoyed the transition.  I reflect on that season of my life with my mom, and when the shift took place for me, and I honestly struggled too.  A few days ago, Mikayla was upset about something and was just venting about just daily life frustrations, I paused for a moment to really listen to what she wasn't saying.  After I discovered what she was trying to communicate, I just looked at her and said, "Mikayla, instead of just being frustrated and upset, just say what's really bothering you."  She looked at me and began her antics once again, and I simply said, "babe, its ok to just open your heart and say, Mom, I miss you and want some time with you."  She got this look on her face, and finally expressed her heart!  I told her that so many arguments and irritations could be avoided if she just expressed what she really needed or desired, instead of just beating around, what I call the BS Tree!  Yes, instead of saying "beating around the bush," I call it the BS Tree!  Another TDahl expression! 
It was a light bulb moment for me in all actuality!  I mean, how many of us just beat around the BS Tree, instead of just really communicating what it is we need or desire through the scope of love's simplicity?  Think about that for a moment.  Next time you find yourself all frustrated and irritated with someone or something, ask yourself the question - "what is it that I am desiring or needing?"  And then, answer yourself honestly through the lens of love!  I bet you'll save yourself an argument or two or three!  LOL! 
As I've embraced this current season of "simplicity" in my life, I've explored how everything in life is either rooted in love or rooted in self.  It's one or the other.  Nothing more, nothing less.  Let me share a story with you that I find super humorous, but so incredibly beautiful at the same time.  My balancing half, Jeff, (he brings so much balance to my journey in life - that is why I call him my balancing half) is such a stable man!  He exhibits the same stability in everything he does.  Sometimes I ask myself, does he get excited about anything?  He's just the same all the time and you know what...I LOVE THAT!!!  I've been blessed with this gift called "creativity."  With that gift, also comes the amazing blessing of a plethora of emotions!  I call them my "creative expressions!"  Jeff brings such a balance to that part of me.  He's one of the most supportive men I've ever seen.  I'm absolutely crazy about him! 
Recently, his dad was in town and we spent the day with him, my mom, and Jeff's daughter. We went to the local flee market, and then later went to the mud drags.  I was dressed in a pair of Capri jeans, tennis shoes, and HIS T-Shirt.  We spent the day out in the sun, and I just looked ratchet by late afternoon.  We had one more stop to make before heading back to his house, and that was a birthday party Jeff had been invited to.  I looked at the invitation and it said the party was at a "lounge."  No problem I thought to myself!  I'm dressed appropriately for a lounge (bar).  Can I just say....NEVER assume anything!  We pulled in, and my thoughts were....uhhhh this does not look like a bar....this looks like a country club!!!  I'm dying inside because this girl needs at least her DIVA shoes for this place.  I'm not rockin' a pair of stiletto's though!  I'm not even half way rockin' a pair of Nike's.  We walk in and not only are we at a Country Club, but its a birthday party celebration for someone he works with.  So EVERYONE from his job (including the owners) were there!!  Here I am, never met any of these people, and I'm looking all ratchet.  Really Jesus??!!!  Now, I had a choice to just exit quietly, or take this moment in from the perspective of "love's simplicity" and revel in the fact that Jeff obviously thought I was beautiful just the way I was - tennis shoes and all - and was proud to have me next to him!!  The selfish side of me could have totally destroyed a beautiful moment.  A moment, we'll laugh about for years to come!  Yet, I chose to see things through the eyes of love - taking my attention off of "myself" and just embracing this moment with Jeff!  We had a great time just hanging out with everyone.  I looked terrible but you know what, in the scope of that moment, who cares!!   Jeff had thought he was in the dog house from what a little birdie told me, but I never even made mention of it...until this blog! 
Let me challenge you today and well, everyday, to look at life from the perspective of "love's simplicity."  Don't complicate things! Look for those moments in life that if from a selfish perspective, would cause you to lose the opportunity to make a beautiful life memory.  When you're in that moment, change your perspective and look at it through the lens of love!  Love is never self seeking!  It magnifies others and their desires!  Your heart will thank you for it!! 
Living, Loving, Learning,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this is my first time reading anything u have wrote and i needed to read this to remind me.

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