Saturday, September 14, 2013

Princess of the Swamp

Jeff, (pictured right) getting my carriage ready....

Another TDahl Adventure....
On August 31st, I went muddin' with my new friend, Jeff.  I had met Jeff back in July at my best friend Beth's, birthday party.  Jeff is Beth's cousin, and so it doesn't surprise me that we hit it off.  We just talked and talked the first night we met.  We even got thrown up on by Beth's grandson!  That was hilarious!  Carter was sitting between the two of us on the couch.  Carter had been acting kind of under the weather you could say.  As Jeff and I were sitting there, I was like, "Carter, are you going to throw up?"  I didn't even get the last word out of my mouth when it went flying!  Jeff and I jumped up (scared poor little Carter) and Jeff got hit pretty good!  LOL!!  I got hit a little bit.  We couldn't help but laugh.  We talked that night about him taking me muddin' and so when the invite came, I was there!  Hmmm I'm seeing a pattern here....if its messy, I guess that's where we might be.
I arrived at the "swamp" at around 2:30 PM.  My mind immediately took me back to my teenage years.  The loud trucks; being out in the middle of nowhere; and people just having good clean fun!  Well, maybe not so clean, but you get my point!  It made me homesick actually.  The small town I grew up in often had these events.  I had so much fun that day.  I felt like a Princess - even if I was at a swamp!  Rednecks we're standing in line to hug me.  I'm not joking!  I had one guy run up to me and throw his arms around me to give me a hug, and another guy was like, hey, let me in there.  The guy hugging me was like, stand in line!  Jeff quipped, "yea, well she cut me off at two!"  It was sooooo funny!!!  
After awhile, Jeff got the truck ready, and we loaded up.  I had to stand on some contraption to even get into the truck.  Then his daughter Lexis, and her friend Miranda, jumped in.  I was sitting in the middle, straddling the gear shift.  Wow, did that bring back some memories!!  Jeff, got in and fired the truck up.  I seriously felt 15 again!  No joke!!  Only this time, I really was a Princess!  In my teens, I didn't know I was a Princess, so I got myself into not so good situations with guys.  Call me weird, but I feel like a little puzzle piece was put back together from my childhood.  God restores things we've long forgotten!  Anyway, we weren't out there long before the truck broke.  Jeff was trying to pull someone out who had gotten stuck and we ended up having to be rescued!  That was an adventure!  Jeff had this huge slog (is that word?) of mud fly into the truck while he was trying to pull this other person out.  When another truck came to our rescue, Jeff exited the truck and I had to slide over that mud slog on the seat.  I had to go from his truck to the tailgate of another truck.  Jeff extended his hand to me, and I told him, he better not drop me or let me slip, otherwise I would be taking a swim.  After our rescue, and we made it to dry land again, I seriously was lifted out of the back of the truck by Jeff and his friend Cedric!   I asked where my tiara was!  LOL!!!!   
 I had such an amazing day and seriously did feel like a Princess!  We're going to go again soon!  Ahhhhh I love adventure!!!  Especially adventure that takes me back to the little town that still holds my heart! 

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