Wednesday, April 22, 2020

"It's Heavy"

We are in unprecedented times.  Covid-19 has stopped the world in its tracks, literally!  Fear of the unknown is touching the entire globe and affecting the rich, poor, young, and old, in every race, color, and creed.  We all share common ground in experiencing a global pandemic. 

What I'm about to share is specifically for Pastors.  Daddy God dropped this in my heart early this morning as I was getting ready for work and I've been eager to share this all day.  

Let me begin...

A few weeks ago I was texting with a pastor friend of mine.  I felt prompted to be a voice of encouragement in this season.  This pastor shared with me that this season "is heavy".  I've pondered that statement on multiple occasions over the last few weeks.  I wanted Daddy God to tell me how I could make the load lighter, not just for this pastor, but for pastors in general.  He just told me to continue to be a voice of encouragement, as "His Shepherds" need it in this time.  The scripture in Jeremiah 3:15 KJV says "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding."  In Acts 20:28 AMP it says to "Take care and be on guard for yourselves and the whole flock over which Holy Spirit has appointed you bishops and guardians, to shepherd [tend and feed and guide] the church of the Lord which He obtained for Himself [buying it and saving it for Himself] with His own blood".  Pastors are God's Shepherds!  What can we do as their "Flock"?

Let's first look at why this season is heavy...

Plain and simple....Pastors love people!  Those who have been entrusted by God to their care, those they personally shepherd, are their extended family. 

Think of the responsibility we both have and feel for our own families, and then imagine how a pastor must feel in this season.  That's heavy!  


Pastors know the importance of community and the sustenance community provides.  Hebrews 10:25 tells us clearly not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as believers.  It is necessary for life!  

This "Social Distancing" order is proving the need we have of each other, and of community!  I believe a lot of relational priorities will change on the other side of this.

Pastors have had to get incredibly creative and think outside the box to ensure they are connecting with their people.  While all this technology is wonderful, something very big is missing.  Pastors are called to "watch over" their flock.  Can you imagine how difficult that is via social media?  When you're in the presence of someone, you can recognize when someone is not doing well. Pastors are not with their people right now and I can you assure you, they are worried about us!  I know, we're not supposed to worry, but we all do!  The fact is, you're part of your pastors family!  You are part of their hearts and they want to not only know you're well, but ensure that you are to the best of their ability.

Finally your pastor may have a platform, but they are often unseen.  What I mean by that is pastors would rather struggle personally and share after they've overcome, than to share in the midst of their struggle for fear they may burden you.  They have struggles.  They get discouraged.  They feel like they are failing at times. They feel lost at times.  We look to our pastors for direction and guidance.  We look to them for encouragement and leadership, and the list goes on. In the midst of this pandemic, we're all in a place we've never been before.  We need to lean on each other!   

Can I challenge you today?  

Begin to pray that God will show you ways that you can encourage your pastor in this season.  Sometimes they need our faith and strength for the journey too.  

Daddy God, 

I want to thank you for those you've called to be our shepherds here.  Thank you for giving them supernatural eyes to see and ears to hear. Show us how to pray for them and encourage them, not only in this season, but in seasons to come. Give them grace, your ability, to cast their burden on You Father to lighten the load, because God, its heavy! 

In Jesus' Name

Much love to all of my pastors!  Thank you for what you do!!!!

In His Grip, Grace, and Strength,



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