As I sit here this morning at my dining room table, my heart is full. During the Christmas season we tend to hear stories about "belief" more so than any other. This is after all the season of "wonder!" The story of Jesus' birth is my favorite of this season! Then there is Santa Clause, and Elf on the Shelf (which by the way I never heard of until my dear friend and pastor, Jill did this with her kids - yes I lived under a rock). Then of course our eyes see so much beauty during this season that we can't help but something and someone bigger than ourselves. Today, I don't want to talk about this part of "believe" however. I want to talk about the real power of "believe!" Take a journey with me.....
A long, long, time ago there was a man named Mr. "C." Mr. "C." was a good man, a hard working man, and a man that set a standard from what I've been told. He was serious about business and had an expectation from his employees. He based that expectation on his own work ethic! In other words, if he expected something from you, he had already set that example personally. He formed a good friendship with one of the men who worked for him who's son needed a job. Mr. "C" gave that boy a job and said "Son, your dad got this job for you, but he can't keep it for you!" This man's son was a rebellious, wild child, but had a good work ethic. Mr. "C" taught that boy a lot!
Several years passed by and this boy had become a man. He still worked for Mr. "C," but he had gotten into some pretty big trouble from making really bad choices outside of work. The kinds of choices that change how people feel about you. One opinion it didn't change is how Mr. "C" felt about him. The difference with Mr. "C" is that he really had invested in this young man and saw potential in him. He "believed" in him. He was able to see beyond the choices this young man had made. He believed in him so much that he bailed him out of jail! Mr. "C" told this young man, "Son, you can work off this bail money by working Saturday's until you pay it off!" The young man was so grateful and did just that!
Another several years passed by and this young man decided to leave his job. Mr. "C" didn't want him to go, but the man left anyway. A few years later the young man got into some pretty serious trouble again. He had just lost his brother in a fire and went off the deep end. Mr. "C" sent word that he wanted him to come back. The young man landed himself in jail again and Mr. "C" was going to bail him out. The young man said, "No, I'm going to serve my time so I can get this over with!" Mr. "C" told him his job would be waiting for him when he was done.
When the man got out of jail, he and Mr. "C" had a talk. He made a promise that day to Mr. "C" that he would keep his life together. This man had lost everything....even his home. He had been living from place to place, and was even on the run from the law for over a year before he turned himself in. This man had hit the bottom. When he returned to work for Mr. "C" it was as if nothing had happened. That is what I call "the power of believe!"
Today Mr. "C" is in heaven and this man still works for him! Mr. "C's" kids own and operate his business, and you know what? His kids are just like him! I'm privy to the stories of Mr. "C" because the man who experienced the power of believe in his life is my husband. While I never got to meet Mr. "C" on this side of heaven, I can assure you that will be my first request when I get to heaven. I want to meet Mr. "C" and tell him thank you!
Never under estimate the power of believe! This is what changes lives from the inside out!
Rock Your Story,