These past few weeks have presented yet another twist and turn in the journey we call life. My husband's brother was in a motorcycle accident and was taken off of life support a week after the accident. He was a father, a son, a brother, and a significant other. Many also called him friend!
"Life is not fair!"
Oh the times I've made that statement, heard that statement, and at the same time tried to understand that statement. Life just doesn't make sense sometimes. We have this perception that life picks and chooses who it will give tragedy and loss to, or who it will save and bless. Throughout the years, when tragedy has occurred in the lives of people, I've even heard God blamed.
As I sit back and watch an amazing family try to make sense of this tragedy and ask the question of "why," with the full knowledge that no one will even come close to answering that dreaded question, I just pray for the peace that passes our human understanding. I believe if we're honest, that question looms over every one of our heart's right now. In those moments when I myself question, I come back to a scripture in the Word of God that says "it rains on the just and the unjust." In other words, we can be the most kind, loving, and all around great person or we can be the opposite. Tragedy and loss happen to all of us! We just don't know when, and we don't know how, but we will experience it, because it is part of the journey called life. It doesn't make it any easier knowing that either.
In a perfect world, we would never die, and we would never experience pain or loss. After all, that is how our Creator set it up to begin with. He also gave us this great responsibility called "choice!" Adam and Eve made a choice, and with that choice came great consequence, and unfortunately caused a great consequence to the human race as a whole. However, Jesus came to redeem that choice, and for that I'm so incredibly thankful!
While this time is difficult, beyond words, I am thankful that this is not the end. I'm thankful we have HOPE in the ONE who created us. I'm thankful HE has us covered! In this time of grief and loss from a human perspective, my brother-in-law lives on - both in the great memories that many have, and the fact that he is with Daddy God - perfected in all ways!
When we try to understand "why," sometimes the answer is really as simple as "because an accident happened." God is not some great puppet master up in the sky causing tragedy, or assessing if we deserve to be saved, be it physically or spiritually. No, He made a way for us through Jesus Christ. Yes, at times we experience physical healing on this side. I cannot answer why some and not all. I do believe that God knows and He sees the end from the beginning. He knows our hearts and every intricate detail of our lives. I believe He prepared my brother-in-law for this moment! There are things that people would call "coincidence," I however do not believe in coincidence. I believe God has His ways of preparing us and as we move from focusing on the loss, to learning to live with loss, we see things in an even greater light.
Life is not fair through the scope of our human existence. God, however gave us "fair" on an eternal level, through the blood of Christ! And that my friend's is what this journey is all about.
Whatever you may be going through today, know that God has got you. He will make himself known to you through the things that speak to your heart. He's very personal and if you allow Him to comfort you in those moments when life is not fair, He will show you great things and give you a peace in the midst of the storms of your life.
Rock Your Story,
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