Saturday, June 15, 2013

Redeeming Conflict

As I sit here this morning, my heart is reeling in so many directions.  In the last 12 hours, I've had a mountaintop experience and then hit the valley hard, within a very short amount of time.  Tossing and turning with a very restless heart, I opted to remove myself from bed and just confront the conflict going on inside of me. 

Those that know me, know that I'm a very open book.  I want to share my life experiences with others because I truly believe we learn from each other.  We become better when we choose to become a student of life, rather than a know it all.  Don't get me wrong, there are areas where I'm well versed and have experience that affords me the opportunities to teach others.  There are also those areas in which I must look for those opportunities to find a teacher for my own life!  I believe that is how God set it up!  We are not islands unto ourselves, we were created to need others! 

My life is so different now than it was 6 months ago.  God prepared me for 2 years for the huge shift that took place in my life nearly a year ago.  What I didn't expect is the huge wounds that would come with that shift and the conflict that came into my world as a result of following God.  While I can handle conflict, I do have a very difficult time with conflict, because I'm actually quite a sensitive individual. I care very deeply for people and its hard for me at times to intentionally put up a wall because wisdom needs to be exercised.  You don't wear your heart on your sleeve for just anyone!  When you do, and betrayal takes place by those who should have known your heart better than anyone, you tend to recoil your heart in what I call self preservation.  I personally do not want to live like that!!  I don't want to live in "protection mode"  because I was designed to live with an open heart!  This is where it gets tricky though.  

Have you ever felt you're paying for someone elses character flaws?  In other words, if someone hurt you in the past, you live with a filter of that experience and then make someone else pay for that hurt.  It's like you attach that hurt to every person that comes into your life.  I'm so glad that I have partnered with God for nearly 20 years to eradicate that from my own life!  I'm not the skeptic I once was, however I am able to use wisdom and protect my heart from those who have hurt me in the past, and in the present, not make another person pay for the sins of someone else.   It's not people we need to fear, its their unresolved pain that we simply need to understand!  I'm not saying to live with an open heart with someone who has hurt you, but I am saying, seek to understand and remove the personalization from it.  When someone hurts you, its not about you, its about them!

I know conflict is a necessary part of life!  It creates growth and I also believe it creates opportunity. 
Bringing Order To Chaos

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