Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"The Love of a Man Should Protect"

There are so many things churning in my heart and mind this week. Earlier this week, my daughter suggested we rent the movie "Twilight," so that I could watch it. When the movie first came out, she went to it 6 times. I couldn't understand the fascination whatsoever! Although, watching a movie about vampires was not appealing to me in the least. I mean seriously, why all these teenagers were freaking out and obsessing over "Edward" was beyond me!
So, to her surprise, I agreed to her suggestion. This was the beginning of my own obsession! However my obsession goes deeper and obviously for reasons other than the obvious fact that "Edward" (Robert Pattinson) is dreamy.
After watching this movie for the first time, my heart experienced this awakening I guess you could say. Maybe an awakening to the sheer possibility that there is a man out there that really would have the characteristics of "Edward." Again, I'm not talking about physical characteristics such as his intense eyes and mysterious glances, although that could send me reeling as I love mystery in a man and I love to look into a man's eyes and see so much more than just the color. No, I'm talking about characteristics of "protection" and "dying to his own selfish desires for the benefit of another." Let me explain...
I feel men have lost their identity! I was talking with God early, the morning after seeing "Twilight" and asked Him to show me why this movie was so captivating. God began to show me how He truly created man to protect as well as honor women. Funny, I found out yesterday that this woman I know is having an affair with a married man. Not only is this man dishonoring his wife, but he has dishonored this woman. Both of them lost their jobs due to their affair. Now, the man has lost his provision for his own family due to his unwise decisions. The love of a man should protect, not destroy. Having a wife is a gift! I truly believe that if men were to honor their women the way God designed them to be honored, the men would have the most incredible lives. Yet, they throw away families for affair's because they themselves grow tired and weary of giving themselves up for their wives. They become selfish and yield to their desires, discounting the cost of the hearts that will become torn, shattered and jaded to love.
When God gives me away as a bride, I can't help but have great expectation because I know that God will not release my hand in marriage to someone who will not protect me! God has been that husband for me for 14 years now and He is jealous for me! I am His daughter and you know what...His daughter's don't have to gravel for the love of a man! They should respond to the love of a man. A love that protects at all costs, even his very life! What would happen if men began to find their identity that has been stripped away over the years? Marriages would flourish and children would be secure and not settle for anything less than what was modeled to them. It would change the entire face of this Nation. I await my "Edward" and will not settle for anything less because I will not respond to a false love. I will respond to a love that protects.

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