It is very much necessary for me to "experience" life! God takes me on amazing trips at times and is able to show me so much of His heart because I'm whisked away from my comfortable surroundings that are weighted in to do lists and responsibility. When God takes me on adventures into the unknown, it is His voice I seek and it is His voice I hear crystal clear! My latest adventure was flying to San Antonio, Texas for a weekend getaway. I met my friend Beverly out there. Bev and I have spoken on the phone for years. We were introduced by a mutual friend years ago via telephone, so we had never met in person. This was an adventure in and of itself! Bev was amazing and so fun to hang with!
So, over the course of this weekend Bev and I were able to share some great time together and also talk about the love of our lives....Jesus Christ! See, the roads the Bev and I have traveled are very similar and both of us are crazy in love with Jesus because He truly has liberated us! He has brought us immense freedom, along with an amazingly steadfast security when we rest in His love. God showed me some really awesome truths about being and remaining steadfast and secure in Him!
I've studied relationships for years now. Although, I really have only had 3 "relationships" with men, I have learned some truths about relationships by simply watching others in their relationships. One thing I have found is that Christian women make huge mistakes when they transfer their reliance on God for their security and stability, to the men in their lives. The number one thing a woman usually wants in a relationship with a man is security! However, are we really supposed to demand that security from another human? I don't believe we are. In fact, we are to remain rooted and grounded in the ONE who created us! The result of making that transfer is, when that man of human flesh disappoints us or doesn't care for us or love us the way we "expected," we begin to want to control the relationship. We as women figure by trying to control the relationship, it will fulfill our expectations, therefore causing us to become secure again! This begins a vicious cycle that is unhealthy and incredibly destructive both personally and relationally.
Another thing I have observed is the level of insecurity women operate in when they are not in tune with their identity in Christ. We have an identity crisis! Have you ever heard a woman ask this question: "Am I good enough for that man?" First of all, that question is rooted and grounded in the insecurity of human perception! Our perceptions as humans can be so distorted and jaded, in fact our perceptions are always based on our own experiences. So when we assess things apart from God's view and opinion, we will get an inaccurate picture! Well what is God's view and opinion? God's view and opinion says women are a gift! In fact, lets go back to Genesis and look at creation. God created man, then put him to sleep so he could create such a unique and precious gift called woman! God presented woman to man as a gift! God instructed them together, to have dominion in the earth and be fruitful and multiply. No where does it instruct the woman to now trust in this man for her security! In fact, that dependence should be reserved for God and God alone!
When a woman experiences feelings of insecurity, her first priority should be to get away with her Creator and allow Him to fill her up with His amazing, unconditional love and complete acceptance of her! When her love tank is filled up supernaturally by God, then she will not feel compelled to control her relationship with her man! In fact, when she begins to fill herself up with God and transfer her dependence back to her Creator, her relationship with her man will inevitably become better and better and better! Why? Because the woman is looking for her identity to come from the only one it can - God! She will not be looking for this from her man! He was not designed to be her source of completeness! When women realize this and solve the identity crisis by allowing God to affirm them through His love, then and only then will we become steadfast and secure - supernaturally!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Spirit of Dumb Dumb
As I sit here this evening, I'm reflecting on a recent conversation with an old friend. I'm not sure really how to title this blog, but the more I think and ponder, the more I feel I have titled it correctly...."Spirit of Dumb Dumb."
This man friend of mine and I went to dinner Saturday night and just talked about our journey's over the past few years with God. He shared some pretty intense things with me...mainly about girls that he's gone out with. Some of the stories were kind of difficult for me to hear, not for any other reason than, I find that the way he met these women and the reason behind taking them out were very disturbing to me. The more I have pondered these stories in my heart, I have grown angry! Angry that the "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" has corrupted his heart!!
This man, at one time could have had my heart! I mean, he was everything that I had prayed for in a mate and we were able to share on levels that were so incredible. Far beyond shallow conversation! Something I deeply enjoy! Why you ask did it not work out? Not quite sure on that one! However, after hearing the things I did this weekend, I find myself quite relieved that it didn't! Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing man....but he's so deceived right now! It saddens me. So much, that I have even cried off and on for the past 2 days because it hurts to see how someones belief system has been so altered over the course of 6 years and I see it leading him down a path that is furthest from his heart's desires.
Have you ever heard this statement: "The last place an alcoholic should find himself in, is a bar." I use that analogy because it's so much more understandable in what I'm trying to convey in this blog. Why would an alcoholic avoid a place like a bar? Well, for a very obvious reason...he or she would be operating in the "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" if they hung out at a bar and wanted to remain sober! Why would you put yourself in a place that offers you constant temptation?
Well, this guy wants an amazing relationship with a woman! It's his heart's desire to find the love of his life, get married and be with a godly woman! Yet, I feel he has compromised the very thing he desires! How you ask? Well, he's been going to places and doing things that are not going to attract a woman with the character he desires. Instead, I feel he's dating women flippantly to get to know them, rather than getting to know someone from a distance, find out their value system and morals and most importantly, their relationship with God, and then asking them out! Not only that, the kind of women he's dating makes my skin crawl! You ask, are you jealous? Why would I be jealous of a woman that has no morals or godly character? Well, because he went out with them you may say. No! If his discernment is that jaded, it is most definitely a train wreck about to happen! It infuriates me that he's so deceived!!! He is a good man, but I find that the way he's going about life right now, at least on the whole dating issue, is a train wreck! It will bring nothing but destruction to his life!
We attract what is in our heart! He's attracting the wrong women! Why? Because he is dating in the flesh! He's following his discontent and frustration and making decisions based on that, instead of following the leadership of Christ. All I can do is pray for him and pray that he wakes up before he wakes up beside a woman, opposite of what he has prayed for and opposite of what he has desired! Amazing how deceitful the enemy is!
No "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" here! I want God's best and will not compromise by rationalizing what I feel God has called me to live!
This man friend of mine and I went to dinner Saturday night and just talked about our journey's over the past few years with God. He shared some pretty intense things with me...mainly about girls that he's gone out with. Some of the stories were kind of difficult for me to hear, not for any other reason than, I find that the way he met these women and the reason behind taking them out were very disturbing to me. The more I have pondered these stories in my heart, I have grown angry! Angry that the "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" has corrupted his heart!!
This man, at one time could have had my heart! I mean, he was everything that I had prayed for in a mate and we were able to share on levels that were so incredible. Far beyond shallow conversation! Something I deeply enjoy! Why you ask did it not work out? Not quite sure on that one! However, after hearing the things I did this weekend, I find myself quite relieved that it didn't! Don't get me wrong, he's an amazing man....but he's so deceived right now! It saddens me. So much, that I have even cried off and on for the past 2 days because it hurts to see how someones belief system has been so altered over the course of 6 years and I see it leading him down a path that is furthest from his heart's desires.
Have you ever heard this statement: "The last place an alcoholic should find himself in, is a bar." I use that analogy because it's so much more understandable in what I'm trying to convey in this blog. Why would an alcoholic avoid a place like a bar? Well, for a very obvious reason...he or she would be operating in the "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" if they hung out at a bar and wanted to remain sober! Why would you put yourself in a place that offers you constant temptation?
Well, this guy wants an amazing relationship with a woman! It's his heart's desire to find the love of his life, get married and be with a godly woman! Yet, I feel he has compromised the very thing he desires! How you ask? Well, he's been going to places and doing things that are not going to attract a woman with the character he desires. Instead, I feel he's dating women flippantly to get to know them, rather than getting to know someone from a distance, find out their value system and morals and most importantly, their relationship with God, and then asking them out! Not only that, the kind of women he's dating makes my skin crawl! You ask, are you jealous? Why would I be jealous of a woman that has no morals or godly character? Well, because he went out with them you may say. No! If his discernment is that jaded, it is most definitely a train wreck about to happen! It infuriates me that he's so deceived!!! He is a good man, but I find that the way he's going about life right now, at least on the whole dating issue, is a train wreck! It will bring nothing but destruction to his life!
We attract what is in our heart! He's attracting the wrong women! Why? Because he is dating in the flesh! He's following his discontent and frustration and making decisions based on that, instead of following the leadership of Christ. All I can do is pray for him and pray that he wakes up before he wakes up beside a woman, opposite of what he has prayed for and opposite of what he has desired! Amazing how deceitful the enemy is!
No "Spirit of Dumb Dumb" here! I want God's best and will not compromise by rationalizing what I feel God has called me to live!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
"The Love of a Man Should Protect"
There are so many things churning in my heart and mind this week. Earlier this week, my daughter suggested we rent the movie "Twilight," so that I could watch it. When the movie first came out, she went to it 6 times. I couldn't understand the fascination whatsoever! Although, watching a movie about vampires was not appealing to me in the least. I mean seriously, why all these teenagers were freaking out and obsessing over "Edward" was beyond me!
So, to her surprise, I agreed to her suggestion. This was the beginning of my own obsession! However my obsession goes deeper and obviously for reasons other than the obvious fact that "Edward" (Robert Pattinson) is dreamy.
After watching this movie for the first time, my heart experienced this awakening I guess you could say. Maybe an awakening to the sheer possibility that there is a man out there that really would have the characteristics of "Edward." Again, I'm not talking about physical characteristics such as his intense eyes and mysterious glances, although that could send me reeling as I love mystery in a man and I love to look into a man's eyes and see so much more than just the color. No, I'm talking about characteristics of "protection" and "dying to his own selfish desires for the benefit of another." Let me explain...
I feel men have lost their identity! I was talking with God early, the morning after seeing "Twilight" and asked Him to show me why this movie was so captivating. God began to show me how He truly created man to protect as well as honor women. Funny, I found out yesterday that this woman I know is having an affair with a married man. Not only is this man dishonoring his wife, but he has dishonored this woman. Both of them lost their jobs due to their affair. Now, the man has lost his provision for his own family due to his unwise decisions. The love of a man should protect, not destroy. Having a wife is a gift! I truly believe that if men were to honor their women the way God designed them to be honored, the men would have the most incredible lives. Yet, they throw away families for affair's because they themselves grow tired and weary of giving themselves up for their wives. They become selfish and yield to their desires, discounting the cost of the hearts that will become torn, shattered and jaded to love.
When God gives me away as a bride, I can't help but have great expectation because I know that God will not release my hand in marriage to someone who will not protect me! God has been that husband for me for 14 years now and He is jealous for me! I am His daughter and you know what...His daughter's don't have to gravel for the love of a man! They should respond to the love of a man. A love that protects at all costs, even his very life! What would happen if men began to find their identity that has been stripped away over the years? Marriages would flourish and children would be secure and not settle for anything less than what was modeled to them. It would change the entire face of this Nation. I await my "Edward" and will not settle for anything less because I will not respond to a false love. I will respond to a love that protects.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Making Decisions for your Life - Fully Persuaded
You know how you read things out of the Bible and even hear various scriptures from church on Sunday, etc. and sometimes they come alive and sometimes they don't, at least that particular time? I'm one who reflects on what I hear for a long time.
Well, for at least 3 years now, I've heard Job 22:28 recited often at my church ( and it has come alive to some degree in my heart.First, lets go to Job 22:28: (Here are the various translations)
NIV- What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways.
KJV-Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.
NASB -You will also decree a thing, and it will be established for you; And light will shine on your ways.
NIV-What you decide on will be done, and light will shine on your ways.Now lets look at Romans 4:19-21 NIV
19. Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead--since he was about a hundred years old--and that Sarah's womb was also dead.
20. Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God,
21. being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
This scripture is talking about the promise Abraham and Sarah received from God. We know that a period of 20 years passed from the promise to the manifestation of the promise. We also know that Abraham tried to help God (I can't identify - LOL) and had Ishmael (not the promised child). So, knowing that Abraham tried to help God, we can safely assume that Abraham's becoming fully persuaded was a journey in and of itself. I know some of the promises God has given me, but there are times that I question...well did God really say (sounds like the serpent in the garden), because the wait has been so long? The goal of the enemy is to steal the Word! He can only do this by deceiving us. Unfortunately, the enemy is very good at what he does and I think we as the body of Christ underestimate his skill. In fact, we choose to meditate on the things the enemy says (and the enemy can also be ourselves - our own self doubt and past experiences that are dictating our future), rather than what God has said!!! Our past does not dictate our future unless we decide it should! It is our decision!!! God has given us the power to decide and decree! In Genesis we see that God gave man dominion in the earth. That means we have authority! What are we deciding and decreeing? It's been said time and time again how "God is in control." Well, I disagree with that. Psalms 115:16 KJV says, The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.
Well you ask, what about God's sovereignty? Ok, His sovereignty is declared in Revelation. We know the end! That's God's sovereignty! Let's look at part of the prayer Jesus prayed - Our Father who art in heaven hallowed it be thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Let's really look at that right now. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Wow...Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth AS IT IS in heaven! It doesn't say in heaven as it is in earth!!! What is in heaven? Is there sickness there? Is there disease? Is there sadness? Are there tears? Is there rape? Is there pornography? Is there evil? What is in heaven? The Bible declares it is a perfect place! No tears, no sickness, no disease, no sadness, nothing evil! So why do God's kids think that He teaches them lessons through sickness and disease? Why do God's kids think He kills people and takes precious family members from us? Can we learn in these circumstances in life? Absolutely, however if we believe that God is the cause of our circumstances or somehow allowing them, then how are we supposed to be "overcomers" as He declares we are? I don't serve a bi-polar God!
You may be asking, well what about Job? Well, what about Job? Go back to the original translation and you will find that God didn't ALLOW the things in Job's life; Job allowed them! I did an in depth study of Job years ago because I was taught that God allowed all the horrible things that happened in my life and yet these same people told me that I could trust God with all my heart! Are you kidding me? Oh yes, let me trust a God that would allow me to be molested and raped!!! Uh...don't think so!!! God did not allow it. Man made a choice and I was at the receiving end of that choice. Well you may argue, God could have stopped it! I disagree again...He's given us dominion!
However, GOD REDEEMS IT!!! He has that authority when we give it to Him!!! When I realized this powerful truth, it set me free to love God without reservation! It set me free to LOVE HIM because He first loved me! Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-13! This is the very essence and nature of God! It is not what He does, it is who He is!!! When I realized that God was really for me and not against me and that He had an amazing plan for my life and I really did have purpose it made all the difference in the world in my decision making! (Thought I forgot what my message was about huh?) As my heart has really come alive to the revelation of deciding and decreeing, and as I am becoming fully persuaded, things are being established for me, as the Word declares! As we begin to recognize and come alive on the inside of us of who God really is, we will begin to decide that His plan really is something that will fulfill us.
When I was a little girl all I wanted to do was sing! I sang all the time. As I grew older, I was pursuing music and then something changed everything. My best friend committed suicide. He was a lead singer in a band and basically I followed him everywhere he played. I met so many talented musicians and really started to network. My roommate at the time was also a lead singer for a band and the guy had a flippin' amazing voice! I was surrounded by music. We would stay up late and just sing with him playing his acoustic guitar. It was such a fulfilling time in those moments. After my best friend committed suicide, I wanted nothing to do with music! Nothing! Later after committing my life back to the Lord (which was a journey in and of itself) I began to sing a little here and there in church. My pastor at the time told me that was my calling. I ran from it! I just wanted to sing once in awhile. I enjoyed singing on the worship team and that was taken from me when I went through a really difficult time in my life. Music was becoming my love again, but it was snatched from me! Later, I left that church and went to Family Bible. I was there about 6 months and was asked to sing with the Worship Team and I agreed. However, I was afraid to be passionate about it because of my past experiences! I didn't want to get hurt again. I served but was not fulfilled because I wouldn't let my heart become too attached (as hard as that was). I later stepped down because I just couldn't love love love it! Nearly a year went by and I was dead inside. God had instructed me to work on my music and here I was running from it again. Then something happened this past November. Jill, our worship leader came up to me and said "Tammy, it's time." "I want you back on the team." My heart crumbled inside and this fear came up in me...when I was about to respond with "no" the Lord quickened my heart and said "do it afraid." My no, became an "I'll try." On the night of my first practice with the team something happened. I can't explain it other than, I once again had a passion come alive in me. It was even more powerful than when I was a little girl! I made a decision! I said "God, my voice is Yours and I won't run anymore." I decided and decreed I would not run! This happened in November this past year. I also received a Word from the Lord through Pastor Ron Allen. He called me off the stage at church one night and said that he was calling me out and separating me because God was going to take me places in worship and we ain't seen nothing yet! He also came against any hindrances that have kept me from doing what I was called to do. Jill also gave me a Word that night. She said the Lord told her I had her mantle. I just said "yes" to God and decided and decreed that my voice was His and things are being established for me!
In December, Gena, a friend of mine wanted me to come and audition for a band that was looking for a lead singer. I said Ok. We went together and my audition piece was "Anyway" by Martina McBride. When I sang that song in the studio their response was "Holy @#!* that was better than sex!" It was so funny! Since then these amazing guys are working their butts off to get me out there. These are guys that know the music biz and I'm just letting God open doors.
So, with this LONG note, I want to encourage you to ask yourself "What is it that you need to decide and decree about your life?" What dreams do you have that you've forgotten about or just pushed aside as if they don't matter anymore? What passions do you have that you've run from because you think it's just a stupid dream? Let me tell you, God puts those dreams in you for a purpose. His gifts and callings are never revoked!!! Listen to me! God has a specific plan for your life that will fulfill you! He will establish it for you if you decide and decree - FULLY waivering! I waivered for years and was only when I became fully persuaded that doors began to open! God is now redeeming the time that was lost!! Get on living your passions and dreams...We've got work that needs to be done!!! TDahl
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